Saturday, February 22, 2014

We're Parents!

On 2/3/14 I'd noticed that my feet/ankles had gotten way fatter than they'd been looking. I chalked it up to just being further along in the pregnancy. That evening, the swelling still hadn't gone down and I decided to check my blood pressure for fun. It was about 180/120, so Hubbs and I decided to take a trip to the hospital to get checked out. We checked in at 11:30pm. By midnight, they told us that we'd be having a baby that day.  Thank you pre-eclampsia...

Emergency inductions are fun. They started Cyotec at 1am, twelve hours later they started the pitocin and broke my water. I progressed about a centimeter an hour until 4pm. This is the point where I begged for the epidural. At 5pm I was at 10 cm. and almost ready. I spiked a fever at this point so they started antibiotics. After about twenty minutes of pushing and some oxygen, she was born.

They were a little worried about her lungs, so she went to the NICU for an hour or so and was put on a CPAP machine to help them along. Hubbs went with her while they fixed me up. Two days later, we went home.

After a few days home, she was diagnosed with jaundice and needed photo-therapy. Luckily, we were able to do it at home. She really was not a huge fan of the lights, but took it like a champ. We had to take her to get a blood test every day, but we got the all clear after four days. She'd also lost 12% of her birth weight, so we had to wake her up every 2 hours to feed her. By her 1 week appointment, she still hadn't gained enough, so the pediatrician put her on a high calorie formula. Now she's finally a little ways past her birth weight and seems to be gaining well.

We're all happy, healthy, and a little tired, but are loving the time we get to spend together learning how to be a family of three. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Fat Feet

Well, I almost made it to 38 weeks before my feet/ankles grew in to monsters. I could totally see my ankles until late last night, and then they puffed up and went away. Why yes, that is as close as I could manage to wedge my monstrous extremities together without serious pelvic pain.

Goodness my toes look like overstuffed sausages. Good times.  I mean they're not quite fully "cankle status" because there's still a slight narrowing in the calf, but it's just bad. My flip flops don't even really fit anymore. In other news, I've been having annoying contractions since yesterday. They're still not painful and ranging from 7.5-4.5 minutes apart. This basically means nothing at this point. Since I've been having contractions so often, I have to wait until they become too painful or my water breaks to go into L&D.

There is some good news, my labs cam back negative for Cholestasis which means no induction for me this week. A part of me is slightly bummed about that though, it would be nice just to have this baby already. Hopefully she'll come on her own on Friday, our "half-iversary" (aka 6 months from our anniversary). Plus it would be a fun number nerd birthday 02/07/14 because 2x7=14. See, nerdy goodness.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Two Week Wait v. 2.0

When dealing with IF and struggling to get pregnant, your life is consumed by 2 Week Waits. You wait patiently for your positive OPK's or charting your temps to indicate the big "O" date. You get busy with some sexy time and then you have yet another 2 Week Wait for that BFP or more commonly BFN and start the cycle all over again. 

I'm going to call the next 2 weeks, the 2 Week Wait version 2.0, because we have about 2 weeks to go until my "due date". I put that in quotes because this entire time, Dr's have been absolutely 100% convinced we were never actually going to make it that far. My BP was all misbehaving starting around 28 weeks, but it's finally calmed down. Now I'm waiting for my blood work to check for cholestasis, which if positive, means induction next week.

All the while though, I'm just sitting here, hoping to just go into labor the good old fashioned way. Maybe if I trick myself into thinking the baby won't be here till March, I can just relax and every day won't drag on endlessly. It seriously feels like time couldn't go any slower if it tried, but something tells me it could be worse. lol.

Everything is ready and I think we're pretty good to go. My parents are super excited and can't wait to come up here. I'm not sure how long they'll be able to stay because the both have work stuff, but it will be nice for them to visit their first grandchild. I don't know what they're planning on doing up here though. You what, see the baby for like 5 minutes and go "aww soo cute" and then head on your merry way, right? I wish! I was hoping we would get some time to just bond as a family and figure things out before visitors came. It will be nice if they bring us food and clean our apartment though, that would be super helpful. I am certain my mom's OCD will kick in and she'll feel the need to clean the heck out of everything. Not to mention her Jewish mother-ness will kick in and she'll insist that we're not eating enough food, or don't have enough food, and they will have to go grocery shopping for us. That part will be fun.

I really don't know what to expect over the next month. Visitors, yes. A whole new family member, yes. Hubbs' and my world is about to change so drastically, and maybe I'm in denial, but I'm not worried. I really think we're going to be alright.