Saturday, November 30, 2019


We did a bit of a bigger fast leading up to Thanksgiving. We did a 48 hour fast leading up to the holiday then followed a 20:4 f(20 hour fast, 4 hour eating window) for  Thanksgiving and yesterday. It went surprisingly well.

We're doing another 48 hour fast for this weekend and will resume our typical OMAD (One Meal a Day or 23:1) schedule on Monday. I have a Spaghetti Squash and an Eggplant to plan meals for next week but already have big ideas. Hubbs isn't a huge fan of Spaghetti Squash, and I am totally fine with polishing that puppy off all by myself.

One difficult thing is that we started making homemade bread a few months ago for the kiddos, they go through SO much bread and it was cheaper to just make it rather than buy it. I have a loaf baking right now and I am just drooling at the smell of it. I LOVE bread.

We've been at this IF (Intermittent Fasting) strategy since November 2nd, and so far I am down 12lbs and Hubbs is down 8. This has been absolutely incredible for us so far. Not having to sit and calorie count and log every single thing you put in your mouth, plan recipes that meet certain caloric goals has been so freeing. I think we're naturally making smarter choices by adding significantly more vegetables to our meals and enjoying the taste of salads.

Our budget is also benefiting from this plan as we're spending so much less at the grocery store each week. We're hoping to slim down our budget to pay off more of our student loans and hopefully save for some home remodeling and this has been a big help.

A big milestone anniversary is coming up for us next year and if this rate of weight loss continues I just might hit my goal weight by then and that would be phenomenal!!!

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