Saturday, October 26, 2013


Here I am, another year older and as I reflect on my life so far, I'd say things worked out pretty well. I'm not where I thought I would be by this point in my life, but I'm close. I've got a wonderful husband and a daughter on the way. Over the course of my life I've definitely made some mistakes, but all of those helped shape me into the person I am today, and I like me. I have the perk of still looking quite young, so sometimes, I get mistaken for a 19-year-old, and that's certainly not a problem. It does get amusing when I get carded at rated R movies. I'm like... "you seriously think I'm under 17?!?!" and then I giggle and hand over my ID.

Sure I still haven't landed an actual career, and I'm even considering going back to school, yet again, after Ducky is born. I think it's a good thing though, that I'm not afraid of change, that I welcome it, and never fear starting over. Sometimes, when things don't work out, you've just gotta jump on in and try something else.

Hubbs and I don't have many plans for today. He's working most of the day, but we are going to have dinner at Red Robin and possibly check out a movie after. I'm not sure though if I want to see Insidious 2 or Despicable Me 2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE horror movies, Hubbs is kind of a wuss about them, so usually, the only way I can convince him to go is if it's for my birthday.

Gibbs had a rough day at the vet yesterday, he had his comprehensive and dental work done. Poor little groggy guy. They did find that he has the start of tracheal collapse, which is not going to get fun as he ages, but hopefully he'll be fine and it won't get to the point where he would need surgery. His bouts of it are few and far between for the time being and let's hope it stays that way.

The baby shower is on Friday. I'm very annoyed that practically NO ONE has RSVP'd or bought anything off of the registry yet. I scheduled it early so it wouldn't interfere with the holidays, and also because Hubbs' family will be in town anyway for another family event. Maybe people are waiting till later in the pregnancy to buy stuff? But there is no excuse for missing an RSVP deadline. lol. If there's not enough food, no one better complain to me. Mostly because I'm not actually the host, my sister-in-laws are throwing it for me... but still. Another annoying thing, is that the other family event is Saturday morning. I thought it would be more convenient to have the baby shower Saturday afternoon or evening since everyone would be in town anyway. My eldest sister-in-law (who's daughter's event is that morning) said it would be rude to "share" the day. I think it's more rude to make people drive two hours to a family function two days in a row, but that's just me. Maybe they'll just bring gifts the next day and I'll get out of socializing for a few hours. Perhaps she's doing me a favor, really. I find spending time with Hubbs' family very exhausting. There are just so many of them. I come from a family of four and we rarely saw our cousins and uncles all at the same time. Hubbs is one of six kids, and his parents are each one of six kids, and a lot of his cousins, aunts, uncles, etc, all live in the same state. It makes for HUGE family get-togethers. 

I'm trying to figure out how we are going to set up the baby's crib (which let's face it, will just be a pack-n-play). We live in a 600 sq. ft. apartment, and there's really no room for anything. I'm thinking we'll put it in the living room, and that way, whoever's turn it is can nap on the couch, while the other person tries to get a decent few hours of sleep in our bedroom. I'm not sure how well this plan will work out, but that's half of the fun, right?

I think I'm going to treat myself to brunch at Cracker Barrel, because I've been craving it all week and it's just ridiculously delicious. Happy Birthday to me!

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